
Tuesday, March 13

Healthy Spring Habits

Starting with my healthy food plan for this spring!
Since I will be living with my parents again and will not be following any classes for the next three months, I decided it will be the perfect time for me to finally get fit and healthy!

I already joined the gym a week ago and have going to it every other day. But I also want to start eating healthier. Not only will it help me lose some weight, it will also benefit my over all health. So no reason for me to not start with it!
Here is my list of points I like to follow myself

1. Start drinking more water
I am real sucker when it comes to drinking enough water throughout the day. It sounds strange but I often simply forget to drink and end up with a mayor headache as a result of dehydration. Not good! 
Not only will the water help you clean your body of any toxics it will also help you feel more full and therefore you might not eat as much as you would without. 
Tip: Add a cucumber, lemon, strawberry or any other fruit to your water to give it some extra taste! 

2. No sodas!
Since drinking water is my main problem I plan to banish all sodas from my diet during the week. I know I won't be able to stop drinking sodas all together so during the weekends I allow myself to have a soda. Instead I will be drinking a lot of green tea which is very good for you skin. I also will be trying to stop drinking at Starbucks. The coffees there all have a lot of sugar in it and we don't want to drink very sugary drinks! This last one will definitely be a challenge since I pass a couple of Starbucks on my way to school. Thankfully I don't have a lot of classes for the next couple of weeks.

3. Avoid fast food
This one shouldn't be a hard one for me since I don't really like fast food, believe it or not. The only time when I eat fast food is when I'm out with my friends and we were drinking alcohol. But even then we rather have something else late at night instead of going to McDonalds. 
Overall just try to avoid anything that is deep fried.
Tip: If you really can't stop eating fast food, try making it your self! You can decide what you put on our burger and choose healthy ingredients. For fries you can make them out of the oven instead of frying them. They will even be more crunchy and a lot less greasy this way!

4. Eat more fibers (whole grains)
It might not seem very smart eating a lot of bread when you are trying to loose some weight, but it can actually help! The fibers that are in bread and pastas help your body break down the food easier. 
I am really bad when it comes to eating enough bread and the needed fibers. In the morning I often skip breakfast or quickly eat a yogurt instead. Very bad! Because during the day you will become a lot more hungrier and you will be reaching for snacks much faster. 
My goal is to at least eat bread or something with a lot of fibers at breakfast. This will really benefit your appetite during the day and will also benefit your digestion. 

5. Eat more whole foods
Instead of buying instant meals, try making it your self with fresh ingredients! A lot of processed foods that we buy in the supermarkets have a lot of sugars in them. It is a lot healthier to make your own meals with whole foods. I find it also a lot more fun to really be making a meal yourself. You can really say you cooked that meal instead of putting some processed foods together. 
Also by using whole foods you avoid taking in a lot of preservatives. Be healthy and avoid tv-dinners and other instant meals!

But one of the most important things is to also allow your self a treat! For me the weekends will be my time to reward myself. The trick is to not go overboard! Don't stuff yourself with all different kinds of sweets or sodas. I really love to eat nuts or chocolates. But I also make sure I don't eat like three chocolates bars in an hour or so, haha! You can also choose to have a treat every day or every other day. Just moderate it!

Do you think you will also try to eat more healthier or do you already watch what you eat?

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